Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Just another day

The Babies are going to be here this weekend and the next two weekends the other babies. Where did all these babies come from? Anyway, next week, I’m getting fixed. The woman, who calls herself Mommy or Nana, depending upon who she is talking to, says I’m getting close to heat. I don’t know, it feels mighty cool to me. I have, though, noticed my paws are a little swollen. The woman says that once I’m fixed up, then I won't be so nervous. I don’t know what she is talking about. I’m not one bit nervous. Oh, and last night, I slept for an entire hour in her lap. She is really soft and her gown is the nicest material and feels so good. Sometimes, she leaves her gown on the bed and I jump up and fluff it up and sleep there all day. I also like to sit behind her laptop and watch her type. Sometimes, I jump on the keyboard and attack her fingers. She says, no, no, Kitty. (I’m kitty when I’m bad and Gingy when she wants to love on me and Pretty Baby when I meow pitifully). I know all the tricks. Oh, and today she cooked salmon and gave me a huge piece. I ate and ate and then my belly was so full that I had to stretch out on my back. I like the salmon. She put some in the cold box for us later. What a life!

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