Monday, January 19, 2009

Mine, it's all mine.

So when the kids were here, the Baby wanted my whore doll and the Boy wanted my Spider man doll and they were holding them all wrong and I was walking beside them trying to take them back and the baby dropped whore and I grabbed her and ran and the baby ran and the baby screamed and the woman said what is going on and the baby pointed and jabbered and the boy, who I think is a communists, said that I took the baby’s doll. The woman said it is okay there are plenty of dolls and I think she loves me more or she would have made me give the whore back. So, when no one was looking, I took all my toys, whore doll, spider man doll, the little bitty bear, and the plastic hamburger paddy, and hid them under the woman’s bed. I stuck my head out and guarded my toys and when I heard little feet coming, I scooted things far back. Yes I did. After two days, the man and woman took the kids home and the house was quiet again. The woman’s lap was free for just me, the man brought food into the living room and when he wasn’t looking, I ate, and all is well.

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