Thursday, December 11, 2008
Something is way wrong with the woman
So, I really love the woman and she is soft and treats me so well that I will never ever leave. But, she did something that makes me think she is nuts. I’s sitting in her lap and she was scratching my chin and I’s loving it and out of the blue she pries my mouth open and shoves a huge pill down my throat and wouldn’t let me spit it out and makes me swallow it. One minute she’s all nice and normal and the next she’s saying you must swallow this, you have worms. The thought of me having worms, and what is worms? Who is this woman? But, I had no choice, so I swallowed it and then I coughed a bit and ran and hid behind the fluffy man and he said why are you tormenting Kitty and I’s like yeah, at least you’re normal. And after a while, she was sitting and reading, she reads a lot, and drinking hot tea, which she also drinks a lot, and then I decided that she was just having one of those moments and it was safe to get back in her lap and so I did but I stayed far away from her arms and then she started petting my neck, sort of parting my fur and it felt so good, especially since I feel crawly things on me, and I saw this really evil looking object and it was open and I sniffed and smelled something really gross, but I thought she was normal, and so I closed my eyes, just for a minute and then I feel this wet stuff on my neck and she is saying that I, Ginger, have fleas and this medicine, more medicine, is going to get rid of them and we’ll be fine. We, I didn’t see her putting that stuff on her neck. Wasn’t the pill enough? I abandoned the woman for the man—I mean he didn’t ever put nothing on me or make me eat things I don’t like and he never said that I have worms or fleas. I think she’s just having that thing that she keeps talking about—the end of the semester melt down. Yeah, she is having a meltdown. I’ll remember her behavior to avoid future mishaps.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I'm Here.
I finally got fixed. It happened last Saturday. It was very traumatic for me. I should have known something was up when they didn't let me eat or drink all night long. Then very early Saturday morning, the woman put a soft sweater in my carrier and I crawled in, and she shut the door and took me in the car and I's thinking she was taking me back to the store cause I chewed up the edge of her new purse, or put little claw holes in the new sofa, or because I accidently scratched her foot. I cried and meowed begging her to give me another chance and then she sung that song about the rainbow and I don't think she would sing my favorite song if she's gonna be mean. So, we got to the place where dogs barked and other cats meowed and she, the woman, cried, and this other woman, who smelled funny, took me to the back. I woke up hearing the rainbow song and the woman was talking to me and telling me that she was so sorry that I felt so badly and getting fixed was the gonna make me much happier. Then, she put me in her room and I found my little castle and crawled in the hole and she left me alone except for the times she came in and put her fingers in the water and wet my mouth. Then when I started to chill, she got in bed and put me next to her and held me so I could get warm. Sunday night, I started feeling well enough to walk, but mostly, I have been sitting in her lap, getting groomed and hearing the rainbow song. I sure wish she could sing cause I bet it's a pretty song.
Happy Turkey Day....Oh, I smell things cooking and last night, I got the liver, cooked of course. and it was so good. Yummy, holiday and the kids are coming. Hide and Seek with Baby Girl is the best.
I finally got fixed. It happened last Saturday. It was very traumatic for me. I should have known something was up when they didn't let me eat or drink all night long. Then very early Saturday morning, the woman put a soft sweater in my carrier and I crawled in, and she shut the door and took me in the car and I's thinking she was taking me back to the store cause I chewed up the edge of her new purse, or put little claw holes in the new sofa, or because I accidently scratched her foot. I cried and meowed begging her to give me another chance and then she sung that song about the rainbow and I don't think she would sing my favorite song if she's gonna be mean. So, we got to the place where dogs barked and other cats meowed and she, the woman, cried, and this other woman, who smelled funny, took me to the back. I woke up hearing the rainbow song and the woman was talking to me and telling me that she was so sorry that I felt so badly and getting fixed was the gonna make me much happier. Then, she put me in her room and I found my little castle and crawled in the hole and she left me alone except for the times she came in and put her fingers in the water and wet my mouth. Then when I started to chill, she got in bed and put me next to her and held me so I could get warm. Sunday night, I started feeling well enough to walk, but mostly, I have been sitting in her lap, getting groomed and hearing the rainbow song. I sure wish she could sing cause I bet it's a pretty song.
Happy Turkey Day....Oh, I smell things cooking and last night, I got the liver, cooked of course. and it was so good. Yummy, holiday and the kids are coming. Hide and Seek with Baby Girl is the best.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
In case there's a fire.
I’m learning to catch prey. When the woman walks down the hall, I run up and try to trip her, and she says sweetie, that’s me, don’t make Mama, that’s her, fall. I also like to play chase the hand puppet. The woman puts her hand under the blanket or shirt and moves it around and I attack it. She likes this game too because she giggles. Plus, when I’m tired and don’t want to play, she tries to get me to play hand puppet. Also, I like bed game. See, the woman does this thing. At night, she pulls the big top cover down and puts all the pretty pillows, the little bear, and Peanut, the boy’s three legged dog, all in a chair. So, she and the man get into bed and they go to sleep. I like to sleep with them too. Then when morning comes, she gets all fussy about the bed that she already tore up the night before. She pulls everything off and one layer by one layer, she fixes the bed back. I like to jump up before the last layer gets put back on. She covers me up and I run around under the top cover and once I bumped my head on the bed post. She says, Ginger, this is not a game. We need to make the bed pretty so if there’s a fire, those firemen will know that we are good and proper people who make their bed. That woman of mine is so funny.
Monday, October 6, 2008
These are the things that I like: Toes, I love toes. I love the way they wiggle and the way when I attack them, they curl. I also like the woman’s gowns. They are soft and warm and when she leaves them on the chair or on the bed, I fluff them up and can take a long, long nap. I also, love to sit in the woman’s lap. She pets me and talks to me and I make that little meow sound and she beams. Sometimes, I stretch up to her neck and nestle there and she puts her lips on my head. I sort of like that too. My most favorite thing is settling down between the man and the woman when they sleep. I can curl up and go into the deepest sleep and know that they are not going to let the big hawk get me.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Just another day
The Babies are going to be here this weekend and the next two weekends the other babies. Where did all these babies come from? Anyway, next week, I’m getting fixed. The woman, who calls herself Mommy or Nana, depending upon who she is talking to, says I’m getting close to heat. I don’t know, it feels mighty cool to me. I have, though, noticed my paws are a little swollen. The woman says that once I’m fixed up, then I won't be so nervous. I don’t know what she is talking about. I’m not one bit nervous. Oh, and last night, I slept for an entire hour in her lap. She is really soft and her gown is the nicest material and feels so good. Sometimes, she leaves her gown on the bed and I jump up and fluff it up and sleep there all day. I also like to sit behind her laptop and watch her type. Sometimes, I jump on the keyboard and attack her fingers. She says, no, no, Kitty. (I’m kitty when I’m bad and Gingy when she wants to love on me and Pretty Baby when I meow pitifully). I know all the tricks. Oh, and today she cooked salmon and gave me a huge piece. I ate and ate and then my belly was so full that I had to stretch out on my back. I like the salmon. She put some in the cold box for us later. What a life!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I like cat nip
My woman doesn’t like for me to try and climb up her legs or use her or the furniture for a scratching place, so she bought me this thing. It has a hole in the bottom and I can crawl in and hide. Plus, there are two other places where I can sit and look. The good news is that I can climb on it and can scratch it without hearing, no kitty. Also, she got me this stuff called cat nip. I really, really, really like it. She told the fluffy man that it must be like weed, whatever that is, or high karate. So, she put a little on the new platform and I rolled in it, ate it, smelled it, and wanted more but the woman said, Kitty, you mustn’t be a glutton. Remember what happened to Peter Rabbit? I’m thinking, who is this Peter Rabbit and would he be good in a stew?
Monday, September 1, 2008
Kitty meets the Kids
It’s usually quite around here. The woman does her talking and I blink and meow sometimes, but mostly it’s quiet. But the Baby and the Little Boy were here. Yeah and all that talk about the Baby hurting me, so didn’t happen. She isn’t that mean. Really, she is kind of slow and I could run up to her and swat at her dress and by the time she turned around, I’s gone. It was fun. Plus, she is easy to beat at hide and seek. In fact, all I had to do was go behind a chair and she couldn’t find me. My favorite game with her was climbing. I’d climb up the chair and onto the back and sit and watch her struggle to climb into the chair and then the woman would come get her down and remind her how clumsy she really is by telling her, now Baby, you cannot climb up on the chair, what if you fell? I’m just saying…I’m the bomb at climbing and the woman never has to tell me to be careful. Now the Boy, he’s different. He runs everywhere he goes. In fact, I couldn’t really hide or out climb him. But the woman told him to leave me alone and not terrorize me and it worked. Now, the fun part of him…well, he likes to curl up on the floor and play with these really tiny cars or watch tv. So, I’d wait until he got real still and I’d investigate. I sniffed his hair and while I’s tempted to, you know, wash him, I didn’t. Plus his toes are like the woman’s toes, always moving, so I did the sneak attack. After the first day, I kind of liked crawling up on him and taking a nap. He’s gentle when the woman reminds him. My favorite part is that the Baby always leaves a trail of food and the boy always shares. Yep, I’m thinking the kids are much better than I thought. Oh and Sunday they did a thing called a birthday for the Baby. She had all this great paper to play with and when her mama took her and the Boy, they left the paper and the woman let me play with it. Life is great!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Yesterday, I’s looking out of the big glass door. I wanted to go outside, but I’m too little. So, this big animal came in through a small hole in the screen, and it walked up to the glass door and looked at me and I ran. I found the woman and meowed, and she said, what’s wrong, and I shivered. She went into the room where the door is and saw the big animal and said, that’s just Red. He comes here for sunflower seeds. He’s a good guy. She picked me up, and took me and some seeds outside. Better eat and run, she said, the hawk is out. Then she told me that there’s a great big hawk that lives in one of the pine trees and he eats little animals and that he has already eaten the fat squirrel. Red didn’t even play hard to get. He walked right up to the woman and began eating the seeds. Keep your head down old boy, she said to Red, and then we came back inside. She closed the glass door and said you can never, ever go outside by yourself. You are too tiny and that hawk would carry you off and I’d never see you again. Then I attacked the little green ball.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Getting use to things
I’m still here and still hiding but not as much. The woman says things like, Ginger you’re the cutest little girl in the whole wide world. I look at her and blink my eyes, which is how I say I know. I have toys too. My favorite is a big red square that is soft and when I move it, it makes a sound. It’s the baby’s toy. I like the baby’s things, especially the big soft blanket, and I also like the play pen. The baby and the boy are not here but my woman keeps saying things like when the baby is here, we have to be careful and not let her hurt Ginger. So, that means the baby must be one of those mean kids and it also means that my woman is going to take extra care of me. I have to be careful, I can get used to this.
So, last night, I let my woman pet me. She really seemed to enjoy it and what does it hurt to show a little kindness to her…I think she works very hard and needs kindness. But then, she was petting my back and it felt soooo good and then my chin, she does this thing with her hand and my chin, and suddenly, I fell asleep and she picked me up, gently, mind you, and carried me to her chair and put me in her lap and I’s right about the fluffiness of her and it was nice so I slept there for a minute.
Today, I might play with her toes. She moves them an awful lot and they are very tempting. Maybe, I’ll do the sneak attack and run. Won’t that be fun?
So, last night, I let my woman pet me. She really seemed to enjoy it and what does it hurt to show a little kindness to her…I think she works very hard and needs kindness. But then, she was petting my back and it felt soooo good and then my chin, she does this thing with her hand and my chin, and suddenly, I fell asleep and she picked me up, gently, mind you, and carried me to her chair and put me in her lap and I’s right about the fluffiness of her and it was nice so I slept there for a minute.
Today, I might play with her toes. She moves them an awful lot and they are very tempting. Maybe, I’ll do the sneak attack and run. Won’t that be fun?
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
It's Me
My name was something else but now it’s Ginger cause my woman likes that I am ginger colored and my nose is soft and cool like ginger right out of the cold box. They say that I’m about five or six weeks old but I duuno. I was born in a ditch with four brothers and one sister and my mama was abandoned there, they think, by the people who wanted her but not us. The lady at the shelter said my mama was pretty hungry and covered in fleas and ticks, but she had managed to keep us alive and herself alive, probably by eating grasshoppers. Anyway, a big man in a big truck caught us and brought us to the shelter and when we were old enough, our mama was adopted to a nice woman who wanted us too but couldn’t take all the kitties. My brothers and sisters and I went into foster care and lived with a woman named Carol. Then, one by one my siblings left to good homes but not me—I’m skittish and that makes me less premium as a pet. So, she put me in a pet store where I was on display. I didn’t like being on display cause people come and tap on the window and make faces at me. I was in my own little cubicle, but I could hear the other kitties playing and see people bringing dogs in to be groomed and I was a little scared. Also, other people came and played with the other kitties and sometimes they took them. I wanted to go, but I'm skittish, so I's pretty much left alone to play with a toy. One day an old woman came by and glanced at me and went to other kitties but she came back to me. She put her hand on the glass and I looked at it and it looked like a good hand but I still ignored her cause I am skittish. Then I heard the lady with the keys and they let the old woman in and then they took me out of my cubicle and handed me to the woman, whose name is Zelda, and she cuddled with me and I jumped out of her arms back into the cubicle, but I looked back and I think we bonded. The woman with the keys tried to get Zelda to take a friendlier kitty, and she did hold other kitties and they snuggled to her and she liked that but she kept looking at me. She asked if anyone seemed interested in that little yellow one and the key lady said no, she's not friendly. Then I heard them whisper and Zelda asked if my shelter was a kill shelter and it was and she thought a long time and said I'll take her. Anyway, she filled out papers and it took a week but finally she came back for me and put me in a new small animal carrier and brought me to her house. I was scared and ran and hid. My woman just waited. Sometimes she looked over the big box where I was hiding and gave me little bits of meat and talked quietly and clicked. I like that click and then I heard her in the big bright room with the cold box and she was putting me food in a bowl and I peeked around the corner and I saw her sitting there. I still ignored her but not the food. I think I’ll like it here. I still miss my mama and siblings but this woman, I think she might just be a good person to hang with. And there’s a fluffy man, and he isn’t allowed to be loud or walk near my bed or turn on the television until I’m ready. Hey, did I tell you that she is really fluffy too and after I make her beg for a while, I might sit in her lap and purr for her…but not too soon.
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